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Kirk Taylor

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  • My professional career spans over 25+ years all in the Human Capital Management industry. 
  • The first half of my career was as a HR practitioner and evolved into  Business Analyst & Quality Assurance lead.
  • My love for talking technology led me into B2B  solution selling & solution engineering.


I am passionate about using technology to help people. My interest in technology led me to technical roles early in my career, where I could delve into how the software worked and ways to improve it. When I discovered Solution Engineering I felt like I found my calling because I can use both my love for helping people and my passion for technology to make a difference in people's work life.

My Story

As a child, I couldn't get my hands off my first computer because I wanted to program it to do whatever the computer books described, such as play a game or perform calculations.
My desire to learn how to use technology was a vision of myself in my natural habitat, like a fish in water. 
I grew up watching my father run his custom clothing business, tailoring clothes to customers' specifications. With a background in tailoring and technology, I was drawn to jobs that involved assisting customers in finding what was best for them. My career path took me from finding the right fit for clothes to managing stores and selling products, developing software, and finally selling software.  Outside of work, I enjoy shooting and editing videos, which feeds my creative side and allows me to tell a moving story in the same way that a technology presentation must be compelling.